Reasons for Cataract Surgery

an eye specialist examining an eye

Cataracts lead to clouding in the eyes’ lenses, especially among older people. They develop slowly and interferes with your independence and daily routines. Common cataract symptoms include double vision, blurred vision, halos, and poor night vision. However, surgical treatment of cataracts is effective in solving such problems. 

The procedure involves removing the deteriorated lens and implanting the artificial or intraocular lens, giving you clear vision. The good news is that those seeking treatment for cataract can have the best specialists perform surgery on their eyes and rectify the problem.

Here are some reasons to undergo cataract surgery

To Boost the Quality of Your Life

Since cataracts make your vision blurry, it becomes harder to perform everyday tasks. Also, you cannot do what you enjoy, like knitting, playing cards, driving, reading, or watching TV. Cataracts make it more difficult to be independent and work. All this affects your mood and mental health. But when you remove cataracts, you get your eyes back. A successful procedure makes it possible to do the things you enjoy, boost your confidence, and give you more freedom.

To Enable You See World Anew

viewSince cataracts develop slowly, the condition significantly impairs a patient’s vision without noticing. However, after the correction surgery, you enjoy the childlike wonder of seeing the world through clear, fresh lenses.

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It is like when you wipe many years of dirt on a window and let the sunshine into the house again. With your improved and new vision, it is like seeing for the first time. You can see things like the sunset, oceans, and the smiles of your loved ones.

It Helps Make Eye Glasses Optional

makes eye glasses optionalAfter removing cataracts and replacing them with an artificial lens, you may not need prescription glasses. Depending on the artificial lens implant, you and the doctor decides what fits your anatomy and lifestyle.

Due to improved technology in intraocular lens implants, you can correct your eyesight to enable you to have better night vision, see clearly at a distance and undertake close-up tasks. Therefore, many patients don’t need glasses as they can see clearly and sharply.

It Helps Protect Your Eyes

When you have cataracts, you usually develop other problems in your eyes. It might cause inflammation, increasing pressure in your eye. Besides, cataracts can lead to serious eye issues like glaucoma. Also, it can damage your retina due to diabetes making it more difficult for doctors to prevent or treat the problems. However, the surgery can protect your vision by preventing complications.

Is liposuction safe?


Liposuction involves the reduction and elimination of stubborn fat deposits that persist even after diet and exercise. The most common region of the body that undergo this procedure are the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, chin, upper arms, and other parts of the body.

Is liposuction safe? Like any surgery, it can be dangerous if you don’t find the right doctor, but in most cases, it is perfectly safe.

Who is a candidate?

The candidate for liposuction is a person who has excess fat localized in one place, which was non-reactive (resistant) to the previous diet and/ or exercise. This is the procedure of choice, especially when the skin is still elastic so that it’s not necessarily to remove excess skin in those regions.

skinny woman

What should you know before deciding to undergo surgery

You should definitely find out everything you can about liposuction before deciding on this procedure, since no matter how it sounds simple and safe, it is one of the aesthetic procedures with the risk, especially in certain medical conditions. Liposuction can be completely safe but only when it comes to the extent and indications envisaged and with the application of a precautionary measures.

General risks of surgery

Fat emboli can be life-threatening if formed. For this reason, there is a limit to the removal of more than 4.5 kg of fat, and in such cases, the procedure is approached in a special way.

What is the process?

A small incision is made near the place from which you will remove excess fat. The subcutaneous tissue can be injected with saline with local anesthetic in order to reduce post-operative bruising and swelling. Through an incision, the tube which is connected to a vacuum device gets access to the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Then, under the influence of vacuum to the desired place, it ‘sucks’ excess fats. And finally, a stitch is made to the position that was previously cut.

Type of anesthesia?

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Local anesthesia, general or epidural (stomach and legs).

Care and treatment after the intervention

After the intervention, it is necessary to wear a garment for at least 3 weeks. After 3 weeks a gentle massage is necessary. Controlled diet and exercise are needed if you want the effects to be the best and so that it does not require reintervention.

liposuction surgery

Possible postoperative complications

Hematomas may occur in extensive procedures. Rarely, it can lead to infection or bleeding.

The postoperative course

Immediately after the operation, they may be present swelling, leakage, bruising and soreness in the region that has been treated. After 7 days, these side effects are reduced to a minimum, and they can last no longer than 3 weeks.


The results are permanent. After the intervention, this region often becomes sensitive to diet and exercise, which before the procedure was not the case, so the state can still improve or worsen further if you do not follow a healthy, moderate diet and regular exercise.